What Is The Best Homemade Cleaner For Patio Furniture?

Homemade Cleaner For Patio Furniture

Patio furniture requires regular cleaning because it is more exposed to dust and dirt particles as compared to indoor furniture. In the market, usually, cleaners containing harmful chemicals for cleaning outdoor furniture Dubai are present.

These chemical-containing cleaners can lessen the beauty of the patio furniture and can also decrease the life of the furniture by damaging it. That’s the reason why nowadays many people are asking: “What is the best homemade cleaner for patio furniture?” As a result, they can make safe cleaning products at home and keep their furniture from rotting.

If you also want to clean your outdoor patio furniture without damaging it, then read this article and learn about the best homemade cleaners for cleaning patio furniture.

Most Effective Homemade Cleaners For Outdoor Furniture

Homemade Cleaners For Outdoor Furniture

There are many homemade cleaners used for cleaning patio furniture. Some of the most effective homemade cleaners for patio furniture that are easy to prepare and effective in removing stains are mentioned below.

Vinegar Solution

Vinger soloution

Vinegar is one of the natural disinfectants that are not only used to kill bacteria but can also remove stains from furniture and kitchen countertops. For the making of the vinegar solution to clean patio furniture, the following things are required:

  • Vinegar
  • Essential oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Warm water

To prepare the solution, you need water and vinegar in a 2:1 ratio and a few drops of lemon juice and essential oils. Then dip a clean mop in the solution and clean the outdoor furniture with it. It will clean all the dust and stains off the furniture.

This solution is also effective if there is a foul odor coming from the patio furniture. It can decrease the foul smell coming from outdoor furniture like outdoor chairs, custom made sofa upholstery, outdoor tables, etc. after rain.

Baking Soda Solution

Baking Soda Solution

Baking soda is a very effective homemade cleaner for patio furniture. It is also very effective in dissolving dirt and cutting grime from the surface of furniture. So you can now use baking soda to clean your patio furniture in addition to baking cakes.

For the preparation of the baking soda solution, you just need a few things mentioned below.

  • Baking soda
  • Lukewarm water
  • White vinegar
  • Liquid soap

To make this solution, combine half a cup of water, ⅔ cup of baking powder, 2 tablespoons of liquid soap, and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar. The solution is ready. Mix all these ingredients well. Apply the solution with a mop or spray bottle to the furniture and leave for 10 to 20 minutes, then clean the furniture with a clean mop.

Rubbing Alcohol Solution

Rubbing Alcohol Solution

Rubber alcohol is the best homemade cleaner for patio furniture. Rubbing alcohol is also used to kill bacteria on the surface of outdoor furniture and to clean the dust and dirt particles. The rubbing alcohol solution is best for cleaning upholstered outdoor furniture.

The following things are required to prepare a rubbing alcohol solution for the cleaning of outdoor furniture in Dubai:

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Liquid dishwasher
  • Tea tree oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Water

Take ¼ cup of alcohol, ¾ cup of water, seven drops of tea tree oil and lavender oil, and 1 tbsp of the liquid dishwasher to make a rubbing alcohol mixture. Mix all the ingredients well and the mixture is ready to use.

Fill this solution into the spray bottle and spray it on the furniture. It not only removes stains and dust but also removes rust from the surface of patio furniture. You can also tips for buying outdoor furniture.

Detergent Solution

Detergent Solution

Although detergents also contain a certain amount of chemicals, mild detergents are much safer as compared to the homemade cleaners for patio furniture available on the market. That’s the reason we can use a detergent solution for the cleaning of the patio furniture.

These are the few ingredients used in the making of cleaning solutions from detergent.

  • Liquid or powder detergent
  • Vinegar
  • Warm water

For the making of this mixture, take 2 cups of warm water, and mix 2 tbsp of both vinegar and detergent into the water. Apply the solution to the clean mop and clean the patio furniture with it. It will surely remove odor, dust, and stains from the furniture.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Vinegar, alcohol, and baking soda can easily remove the foul smell from the furniture, but they also have their own distinct odor which does not seem to be for all people. To remove this smell from the furniture, you can easily use essential oils on it.

Citrus oil is the best choice to add a light and fresh scent to the furniture. If you don’t like the citrus smell, then you can use lavender oil to give a soothing fragrance to the outdoor furniture.


Now you know, what is the best homemade cleaner for patio furniture? You can easily select the best homemade solution for you that can fulfill all the cleaning requirements of your furniture and is comfortable for you to make at home. Best of luck with the cleaning of the outdoor furniture in Dubai with the suggested homemade cleaners.

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